Published inWoodworkers of the World Unite!!!I Think I’m a LuthierAbout two years ago I published I Think It’s a Guitar here on Medium, the final story in a series about my first guitar build. After that…Jul 17, 20244Jul 17, 20244
Published inWoodworkers of the World Unite!!!I Killed My Dog Last WeekThere are so many easy euphemisms I could use, but the truth is that I called the home visiting Vet, I made the appointment, signed the…Jun 7, 20245Jun 7, 20245
Published inWoodworkers of the World Unite!!!How We Subsidize DiseaseIt started for me when I qualified for an Obamacare insurance plan. Prior to the ACA I paid my exorbitant, high deductible individual…Apr 1, 2024Apr 1, 2024
Published inWoodworkers of the World Unite!!!Stupid Human Tricks With BoatsFor over 30 years I have spent a dozen or more days a year rowing on my favorite rivers. Over that time I have had a couple of minor…Sep 4, 20238Sep 4, 20238
Published inWoodworkers of the World Unite!!!Tyrannosaurus Rex Was a ScavengerKids love dinosaurs. I can’t remember who, but a wise person once said, “Kids always approve of any animal that could eat adults”. Were…Feb 17, 20233Feb 17, 20233
Published inWoodworkers of the World Unite!!!Bo is My Emotional Smoke AlarmMost dog owners will claim that their friend is the sweetest creature on four paws, a nice sentiment but clearly not accurate. My buddy Bo…Feb 7, 202314Feb 7, 202314
Bibi Plays Bill Maher for a foolNot sure that anyone else has noticed, but in the last couple of years Bill Maher (Real Time, HBO) has been working overtime to give both…Oct 18, 20222Oct 18, 20222
Published inWoodworkers of the World Unite!!!RELOADINGThe Fed has been ratcheting interest rates up for the last several months, ostensibly to fight back inflation. Given that only a portion of…Aug 27, 20223Aug 27, 20223
Dirty Bloody MoneyPro golfers may love the game but there’s no arguing the fact that they play it for the money. As hackers like me know, their level of…Aug 19, 2022Aug 19, 2022
Stumbling Towards ArmageddonThere’s been much chatter these last few weeks about President Biden’s fist bump in Saudi Arabia, some attempts at analysis, and a most…Aug 3, 20223Aug 3, 20223