A true and depressing read of the dating “market”. I am in no way “average”, so my exercise reveals several weaknesses in my “product”…
I’m in the top 1.5% of intelligence and a creative and global thinker, which means it is and always has been hard to find engaging conversation, not to mention someone who can understand the things that interest me.
I’m in the bottom 8% in height, which is a nearly universal turn off for American women.
I’m a sensitive communicator and in touch with my emotions, which in concert with the above usually lands me in the “friend zone”.
I have never cared that much about money or status, though I now am “comfortable”, and have always insisted on being my own boss, whatever effect that had on the money/status thing.
I have always been fit and athletic, have led an intensely physical life which has led to chronic injuries which I now have to manage.
I love to create, painting and sculpture, writing, building and tool innovation.
I have the world’s sweetest dog; he didn’t start that way but now is a great companion.
I’m getting pretty old.
So…definitely a niche market, probably a tiny niche, but then I am happy with my own company and an eternal optimist;)