Actually, in many ways I am both, which is not necessarily a great place to be. I DID make an unsupported assumption about you, and I apologize. Your unsupported claims about president Obama seemed to place you squarely in the trump camp, and the majority of people who claim to be independent reliably vote a straight party line. Totally possible you are the exception and I shouldn't have assumed.
That said I have to wonder where the Obama comments originated. Unless you were a faculty member at the time you hardly would be in a position to make such demeaning remarks. I've carried a clip board from door to door enlisting and registering voters. Would that make me similarly a "fraudster"? In what possible way could working as a community organizer be a con, be in any way a swindle and up for criticism? Many people would see this as admirable public service. Many people with Obama' credentials would have headed to Wall St. or Manhattan to cash in. Are poor and minority people just not supposed to vote? Would you prefer that they didn't and your negative take on his actions stems from this feeling? Enquiring minds would like to know more;)