Actually Mike, the brownies are harmless, only prejudice renders them repulsive. My dog (the one under the chocolate ear) loves cat and chicken poop. I don’t let him kiss me but he’s plenty healthy. I know, I’m missing the point of the story; probably because I find it incredibly (in the true meaning of that word) unlikely. A creator capable of arraying the unfathomably vast and wonderful universe would create us, deem us good, and then condemn us for some flaw in our innate character, a character for which “he” is entirely responsible? Not likely. At least he could take responsibility for his flawed creative act.
I’m a builder. If a roof I build collapses under the snow load of the 100th storm that dumps on it, I’M still responsible. As a builder I’m supposed to understand the engineering standards and principles that prevent collapse from snow load, wind load, horizontal or vertical sheer from earthquake, and other predictable insults to the structure.
Adam and Eve are supposed to have failed their very first test of obedience, with characters and will power handed to them complete by their “father”. A loving father would of course forgive them, actually would beg their forgiveness for his failure of design. This idea, that he would separate himself from his children and all their progeny for an error in conduct, makes good sense as an allegory for humanity’s loss of innocence as they evolved self consciousness and social consciences. As history it fails the sniff test, unlike your brownies, and is behavior we would never accept from ourselves, as parents, friends, or supervisors.