And yet in my opinion exactly on point. “Two sides of the same same coin owned by the top 1%”. Sounds like a conspiracy theory to me. Is the author positing that Warren Buffet and the Gates’, or maybe my mom were/are in cahoots with the Kochs? Mom taught piano to 30 or more squirmy eight year olds a week for forty years, hard work that nearly killed her. She invested carefully, got a little lucky in the value of her home, and raised well into the 1%. She also gave regularly to Planned Parenhood, Doctors Without Borders and to liberal politicians.
That word was used to demonize European Jews and I see constant demonization coming now from the left now. This is Sanders’ repeated insinuation, and the author’s too, that Biden is “owned” by the big money. I seriously doubt this, and absent a scintilla of evidence that he votes or would govern that way I see these claims as somewhere between the satisfying but almost always empty claims of cabalists and conspiracy theorists and somebody’s cynical political manipulation of the naive.