Another utterly blind attempt at political analysis. If only schools had taught arithmetic over the last 25 years. Some remedial education; 51 is one vote over half of 100. To control the Senate you need 51 votes. Currently the Democrats have only 50 votes, 51 when the Vice President breaks the inevitable party divide vote. Currently, in deeply Republican W. Virginia (+30% for trump), Manchin holds a seat that no other Democrat can, is constantly being courted by the GOP to switch parties, and could flip the Senate to McConnell control at any time, making his own electoral prospects very bright indeed.
There's an election coming, prospects for the Democrats to expand their majority are good, and expanding that majority by 2 seats reduces both Sen Manchin and Sinema to the status of just another senator, the status that Sen Sanders holds. When WILL we see Bernie put something of relevance together?
And BTW, right now without a reliable oil and gas supply YOU would starve, freeze in the winter, broil in the heat waves. It will take decades to replace that oil and gas with clean sources, and it's FAR better for the planet and for slapping down brutal tyrants for the U.S. to burn domestic oil. Of course, understanding and explaining complex issues doesn't draw nearly as many eyeballs as spewing the outrage porn that seems to be your stock in trade.