Apparently you know nothing about the Bay of Pigs, not very surprising I guess. There's no similarity between the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the attempted return of Cuban nationals with the intent of displacing Castro.
The U.S. COULD have taken the Russian course, could have bombed Havana to rubble, killed 100-200,000 Cuban civilians, dragged Fidel, Raul, and all their fellow autocrat types into a field and shot them. This would actually have been well within the capability of the U.S. military.
It didn't happen.
You need to look up the definition of the word E-X-A-C-T.
putin's paranoid fantasies excuse nothing. I totally doubt though that he had any fear of a NATO invasion. I think his only fear was the spread of self determination that threatened his kleptocratic rule. Now of course he will GET NATO right up to his borders, and given the incredibly corrupt nature of the state he has constructed, it's doubtful that he can actually build a military capable of the significant invasions he had hoped for.
It simply amazes me that you can take seriously a single putin statement, given the layers upon layers of lies he forces all Russian media to spew, the lies he told as he amassed his invasion force on the Ukraine border, the lies he told to those troops assuring them that they were simply on maneuvers.
trump is a vastly more stupid liar, but both are dedicated in their determination to spread lies. Tragically, both seem to have no difficulty finding dupes.