As a natural and lifelong skeptic I can understand how it appeals to you. That said, skepticism about climate change serves NO good purpose and carries significant danger.
I am skeptical that my house will ever burn down, and I own it free and clear so I am not required to maintain home insurance. Still, I do pay that premium year after year. The consequences of a total loss of my home, however remote that possibility may be, is too great a risk to ignore.
The possibility of that disaster is one in tens or hundreds of thousands, the possibility of catastrophic consequences from global warming is near certain, given that we are ALREADY seeing the start of many of those consequences.
There is little to no downside of making the technological changes to deal with the accumulation of greenhouse gasses in our atmosphere, at least not for 99.9 percent of the people on the planet. .01 percent will suffer a reduction in their already obscene accumulations of wealth. Spreading climate change skepticism benefits the .01 percent, with potential massive harms to the 99.9 percent.