As I said, some serious economists maintain that spending this money into the economy creates the money supply. There's no real comparison between an individual's debt position and the nation's. Our national debt is more analogous to a bank's debt. Banks can't exist without deposits, which are literally debt for the bank. Right now the U.S. functions as the global bank where large holders of wealth, private, institutional, and governmental maintain holdings in Treasuries, the safest possible way to bank some of that wealth. So long as our economy stays productive and healthy the smartest of investors want a stake in the form of sovereign debt.
Sadly, the cost of senior health care is entirely dependent on location. In my state my supplemental plan is zero premium and in combo w Medicare the best insurance I have had in my life. Obviously this in not true in all states. I attribute this to the largest provider, which is non-profit and keeps pressure on all providers to keep costs low.