As I said, there are significant overlaps in the bell curve distribution of talents and abilities that are related to sex. There are women who are far stronger and more physically adventurous than me, even though I am stronger and more physically adventurous than most men. Similarly. there are men who are far more nurturing and empathetic than most women. You won't, however, see a woman in men's professional sports; that 15% dimorphic difference has been too big a hill to climb. Given Title 9 and the surrounding cultural changes we may someday see a woman competing in professional football, baseball, or basketball but I doubt there will ever be more than a few outliers.
. "Or, schools may be structured in favor of learning styles typically preferred by girls". The idea that there is a learning style preferred by girls is interesting. Possibly the entire explanation for this is cultural, is learned behavior rather than innate. Human cultures are widely variable and those variations may well be stronger than purely biological ones.
Hard to tease out whether ideology comes first and then drives cultural formation or whether ideologies are adopted to suit economic realities. The Babylon example you cited is a clear example of economic issues driving cultural practices.
As for that exception doesn't really prove anything, or even suggest anything. Upper body strength differences are key when war consists of hand held weapons, and just as today, with dedicated women athletes training with the most intense and scientific methods, the achievable average upper body strength of women and men seems too great to allow straight up competition.
Now that women DO engage in athletics at the highest level they can achieve, maybe we'll see this change, but I doubt it.
When I say economics I am not referring to academic or intellectual takes on the topic, I am referring to how dinner gets on the table, how goods and services are obtained, whether you go down to the sea in boats to catch fish or sew grain in the fields. Societies work out cultures around these realities, to serve these realities, and come up with philosophies to explain the cultures they build. Doing the opposite would make little sense, unless of course you came up with a philosophy that increased your fish take or grain harvest;)