Basically when pigs fly;) As to the gasoline, that claim is doubtful at best,,, the U.S. imports about 1.5 billion gallons of gas a year, it uses about 135 billion gallons of gas a year. Imports are basically a rounding error on our usage.
What does affect the cost of gas is that the price of crude oil is determined in global futures markets which move about 100 million barrels a day in transactions (the global use of oil) and when a large producer complex like OPEC or the Saudis reduce production the speculators who buy over 50% of those futures contracts start to bid up prices in anticipation of shortfalls and price spikes, a self fulfilling prophecy that acts as a tax on regular people to pay the obscenely wealthy.
The U.S. national debt IS the currency that serves the global economy. Currently there just isn't a viable option available to replace the dollar as reserve currency...China is essentially a thug state with a manipulated currency, a wildly overstated and manipulated national GDP, a growing retirement class and a shrinking working class, and endemic poverty for hundreds of millions of its people. None of this will inspire the sort of confidence needed for global acceptance of the RMB.
Europe has pulled the Euro back from the brink but they have the same demographic problems as China and a precarious position in the global economy so long as Russia drags everyone down.
For the foreseeable future it's the dollar.