Beautiful essay Sara. Another reason to celebrate imperfection? To align yourself with the reality of this beautiful world that is our home. Perfection is a concept of mind that is rarely if ever demonstrated in the natural world. It’s possible for a musical composition or a poem to approach perfection, for me Prokofiev’s second violin concerto would be lessened if a note were added or subtracted. But our natural world thrives on its imperfections, imperfections that our eyes naturally see as beautiful. When you look at a brand new steel roof on a farm building, perfectly executed with screws carefully placed and the margins even and well proportioned, it’s a pretty dull image. Take that same roof 50 years later, mottled with rust and scale, edges nibbled by hard winters and brutal sun, and it takes on a real beauty that is worthy of photo or painting. I’ve written on this subject, “Perfection” on Medium, glad to see someone else with an appreciation of the imperfections to which we owe our existence;)