Celebrities have been thrust into an insane position, particularly actors. Actors are "celebrated" for NOT being themselves, for having talented writers provide them with things to say, talented costumers and makeup artists transform their somewhat normal selves into beauties, talented lighting designers and cinematographers capture images of them that they can never recreate in real life.
Parents, teachers, coaches, respected adults in young people's lives need to reflect on the values and reinforcements they are providing. Every "don't you look pretty" goes in, and not necessarily to a good place.
Celebrities have always to compete with the fantasy version of themselves, have to question whether the people in their lives actually like them, let alone love them, and all too often are in no position to set examples for anyone.
Respected adults and mentors can notice and remark on important things that young people are and do...on service, on kindness, on hard work and dedication. Kids notice what we say, what we see, let's see the things that really count.