Chris, I often agree with you but you are way off base here. At most these statements are hyperbole, but each has much truth in it. The only reason that George Floyd's death became a national issue was that civilians were there to record it. Official response to his killing was to call it a "medical incident" and I have little doubt it would have been deemed "justifiable" (state sponsored) had the video not existed.
When police break down a door in the wee small hours of the morning they can't hide behind "we announced ourselves". I know that woken from sleep by this violent and unnecessary intrusion I might react the same way as Taylor's boyfriend, you might as well.
When police surround a non-violent man on the street and take him to the ground with a choke hold, and kill him in broad daylight and in full sight of the residents many see that as an act of terror, and I can't disagree.
Most egregious of course was the statement about the quality of Kaepernick's thinking and the supposed lack of progress of African Americans. He does not typify anybody but himself, and NO other immigrant group or minority has suffered under the centuries of crimes against humanity that black Americans have, not by light years. I'm disappointed in you for attempting such a logically fallacious and frankly bigoted broad smear. We are both bald, old, white men and yet nothing you do or say reflects on me in any way. Nor do Mr. Kaepernick's words, agree with them or don't, reflect on any larger group.