Cooperatives do NOT do what corporations do, not with any degree of significance. Let's go through my day, or yours. No water comes out of my tap for my morning coffee without the products of dozens of large corporations...I built and remodeled homes for 45 years or so and I know the complexity of bringing potable water into my house and the 100,000 or so houses in my immediate vicinity. The same for the electricity that powers my coffee maker, or the solar panels that provide 100% of the electricity I use annually.
Let's say I didn't drive a car and rode my bike everywhere. I still need tires, I need to put air in those tires, who built the valve that lets the air in and then holds it there? Who built the pump? Who built the tires? Who made the brake pads I will need to replace from time to time? I buy a lot of organic foods from my local supermarket. How did they get there? Who built the trucks, who drove them? I could go on through the thousands of for profit companies, many of them large, who built and maintain the supply chains necessary to bring the most simple of my daily needs, of yours.
There is literally NO impediment to any cooperative or not for profit corp. to replace the for profits, to take their customers from them except for the obvious one. Nobody wants to manufacture, market and distribute a valve stem for my bike tire unless there's something in it for them, and I don't blame them.