Fairly strange to me, coming from a professor of finance. The main risk for 20 year olds of making dumbass decisions and starting their lives broke would seem to be running up a huge debt for a "college experience" and a too often worthless degree or three. Tesla may well be over valued, the market has a way of dealing with that. Musk may have tax subsidies coming out his ass... great, the stodgy old car companies certainly weren't going to get off their fat asses any time soon until Tesla spooked them.
Maybe you're one of the finance good guys, god knows we need some. Not sure how many more bright young minds we need to pour into the field, given how much damage our financial sector greed has done to the nation and the globe in the last 40 years. Bright young financial workers came up with the schemes to market ever sketchier mortgage bonds, and then came up with even more dangerous CDSs and other opaque and highly leveraged derivatives to feed their greed and that of the heavy hitters who bought that garbage and nearly blew the financial system up.
How sad that more of those minds didn't go into teaching, into environmental science and law, even into politics;)