Good thing you’re not my lawyer, I don’t really enjoy paying judgements due to incompetent counsel;) I was in the trades in a red state for over 40 years; yeah I know far-right activists, not to mention guys who complain when they have limits placed on how many trees they can harvest off public land (“the end of days is coming soon, if we don’t cut them now they’ll just go to waste”), guys who rig their diesel trucks to blow thick black smoke and then look for electric cars to fumigate. I know guys who build concrete bunkers with pre-planned “fields of fire”, guys in the military who insist that president Obama was selling off their ammunition and issuing prayer rugs, guys who prepared for “Jade Helm” when the Feds were going to round people up and hold them in Walmart basements. It’s almost like you’ve never lived in a red state;)
Racism isn’t color blind, it’s closely tied to power. A historically and currently oppressed minority has every right to resent the privileged majority, would be irrational not to. Get back to me on that “reverse racism” when white people in this country are denied jobs, loans, mortgages, are routinely exposed to police scrutiny, brutality and lethal actions while unarmed on the basis of their skin color.