How do you have Medicare for all without ending private insurance? How do you know what the Democratic leadership did or did not fight for" Were you in the room when the votes were being whipped? You are right, "conservative" rank and file hatred for Obamacare is driven by propaganda. Poor Kentuckians who love their ACA Kynect coverage hate Obamacare.
The fight to get the ACA, with its significant improvements for working poor, children, the hundred plus million Americans with pre existing conditions, women, entrepreneurs, was bloody and it just very barely passed. The congressional votes were/are on record with what they would and would not support. The ACA has blasted open the door to universal coverage, has made the public option a viable political option, has made the progressive lowering of Medicare eligibility politically viable, has made legal the regulation of insurance company profit and overhead. Right now the limit is set at 20%, but that limit has passed judicial review and now can be ratcheted down, to low single digits if legislators grow a back bone. If they can't then M4A remains off the table, if they can then M4A is unnecessary.