I agree totally that doxxing, censoring, threatening are all ugly behaviors. I never block a reader no matter how much they try to insult me (I would if they seemed creepy and dangerous), as a famous man once said, "an insult is like a drink, it only affects you if you accept it".
I suspect that our experiences are different; to me the extreme reactions you correctly call out are fairly rare and far more closely related to individual pathology than to any particular ideology or group.. Maybe I'm sheltered;)
My main point is that I extend much latitude to people who have been systematically harmed and are trying to change that. It's become a cliche that hurt people hurt people, mostly because it's true.
In my experience liberals don't like to harm others, try to practice tolerance and inclusivity, and in today's politics are under attack for those proclivities. In my experience conservatives have a long history of intentionally harming people, of using racial dog whistles and now gender/sex dog whistles to scare and anger their fear based voters to the polls.
Given that LBGTQ (I don't always remember the "correct" order) people are a small minority and are still under attack, I understand the anger and reaction that both they and their allies exhibit. While I think these are counter productive I think the harm they cause is miniscule compared to the harm they have endured and the harm still aimed at them.