I doubt you actually think that saber rattling is "EXACTLY THE SAME" as mass murder. I could be wrong. There were no NATO bases on Ukrainian soil, there was no proposal to admit Ukraine to NATO on the table, and Russia has no right to determine what alliances Ukraine choses to make.
As to E-X-A-C-T-L-Y...the U.S. bombed no cities, sent in no troops, left behind no mass graves or torture chambers. The U.S. supported and equipped Cuban "separatists", much the way that putin supported and equipped "Ukrainian separatists", the difference being that the U.S. withdrew its support in days while putin extended his support for years and for many tens of thousands of casualties, sent thousands of Russian troops in to join the fight he had started, and ultimately invaded the whole country, killing and destroying on a massive scale. As I said, you need to research the meaning of the word ,"exactly".
No Minsk Accords would have been needed if putin had kept his troops and weapons out of Ukraine.