I think you're right, I don't blame IF, though it's possible it played a role. My goal though was to improve my metabolic numbers, as Dr. Fung claimed I could, and while I'm pretty sure that losing 12-15 pounds did help those numbers initially, they crept back up over time. What I wish I had known was the evidence that a late feeding window was not helpful with blood pressure, blood sugar, and blood lipids, all of which with my heart disease were important to control. Had I been doing the early feeding window it's possible that I would have slowed down the progression of the disease.
When I discovered my condition I did further research, dropped all animal based foods, focused on whole plant based foods, dropped another 15 pounds without trying, lowered my blood pressure an additional 10 points, my total cholesterol 100 points and my LDL 60 points. Given the solid science on LDL (as a marker for Apo-b) as a primary cause for arterial plaque, this is the direction I need to go to have the best chance at halting the progression of the disease, and there is significant evidence that getting my LDL below 70 will actually start to reverse it;)