I would be interested to read your take on these questions...I assume the answer is communists but then I can't read your mind. By "anti-Russian and anti-China shit" I assume you are talking about putin's campaign to eliminate the free press and any political opposition, his self enrichment and use of Russian natural/economic resources to capture a cadre of wealthy oligarchs, and of course his war crimes in Chechnya, Syria, and now Ukraine. By anti-China I assume you are talking about their campaigns of cultural genocide against their Uighur population and the nation of Tibet, Xi's snuffing of free speech and human rights, his campaign to destroy Hong Kong's functioning democracy, and his oft stated goal of taking back Taiwan, by force if necessary.
Russia is free to detest anything and anyone it chooses, it is not free to invade any other country, kill its citizens, destroy its cities. putin excuses have been repeated by millions of entitled abusers..."She made me so mad, she didn't respect me, she was going to take the kids and leave, she loves another man and has deserted me", none of these excuse even a Will Smith slap, let alone spousal violence or murder. You spend a lot of time guessing about my motives or beliefs, about the source of my knowledge, and NO time addressing the points I make. Even if you were right, even if the U.S. were the biggest criminal nation in history, that excuses not a single putin murder, not a single putin terror attack. Just because your neighbor beats and possibly kills their spouse and children, you remain forbidden to beat or kill yours.