If Mayor Pete is a liar then so is Michael Harriot. Harriot claimed that Buttegeig was a liar because he knew that structural racism did much to sabotage minority education. Mr. Harriot no more knows what goes on in Buttegeig’s mind than he does in mine or yours. An honest commentary from Mr. Harriot would have pointed out what Mr. Buttegieg missed, didn’t know, or neglected to add to his answer, which was factually correct.
Minority students, poor students, inner city students face large cultural hurdles when pursuing education. Even when admitted to colleges or universities they are often the first in their families to go for that degree. Unlike white students, or upper/middle class students of color, they often have to solve the maze of higher education on their own, with little help available from family knowledge of college financing, work loads, major selection, and a dozen other obstacles to completing a degree.
Calling out ignorance or neglect in candidates is commendable, calling them liars without basis is not.