If you live in this country (actually this world) you are directly affected by the character and nature of the person in the Oval Office. The choice could not be more stark and clear; a mentally ill, declining, and corrupt person who has already proved that he is incapable of caring for anybody but himself, or Vice President Harris.
He helped perpetrate the war in Gaza more than any other person outside of the leaders of Hamas. HE gave Netanyahu carte blanche to pursue ethnic cleansing on the West Bank, HE moved the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem with no policy concessions, recognized Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel, stepping on the Palestinian ambition to have part of it as the capitol of the future Palestinian state. Most important, HE promoted the construction of a war alliance between his oil buddies in Saudi Arabia and the other Sunni states in the region, the U.S., and Israel against the sole Shia nation of the region, Iran.
This alliance, which ignored totally the ambitions of the Palestinian people, was the proximate cause of the Iranian support of Hamas and their attack, which they hoped would blow up the war pact and if possible plunge the region into widespread war against Israel.
trump's response to this was to tell Netanyahu to "finish the job" in Gaza.
Michelle Obama had it right last night; the people running are not perfect, we will never agree with all of their positions and ideas, but the danger that one of them poses to the world is stark and the hope the other offers is clear;)