I’m not sure about this. I lost Max (the Chocolate) two summers ago; he was my first dog. Our relationship was complicated, I loved him fiercely, battled with him often when he was young and incredibly alpha, and learned to accept his annoying behaviors that precluded including him in some activities where I would have loved his company. His death, expected after a long and passionate life, hit me hard for a couple of weeks and then I really felt a sense of closure. He lived a full and happy life, much better than he might have expected before I adopted him, he both taxed my very last nerve at times and brought love, new friends, and better self understanding to my life. Of course I had Bo (the Black under Max’s ear) for every step of my grieving, which really helped. He was somewhat relieved to get out from under Max’s authority, to become top dog for once in his life. I can get a little misty reflecting on my life with “Chocolate Muscles”, but it’s a happy feeling;o)