I’m not sure you understand the rules that political parties play by in presidential nominations. There was a day when they did meet in that smoky back room to choose a candidate. That’s just no longer true, and it changed to meet the democratic ideals of the rank and file party members who want to pick their own candidates. Just look at the blowback from the mere perception that the Democratic Party put its thumb on the scale for Hillary over Bernie, blowback that may have well cost her the win in an election that wasn’t that close.
I haven’t heard anybody defend Hunter Biden’s decision to make big bank off of his dad’s fame and position, nor have I heard anybody defend Bubba’s choice to put momentary personal pleasure over the success of the progressive movement. “The Party” had no way to force him out of office, short of voting for his impeachment, and like most Americans they didn’t see his behavior, seedy as it was, as an abuse of power requiring his removal from office. Trump has seemingly blown up all considerations of morality for the GOP, he’s so dirty in so many ways, and the supposedly morally conscious conservatives in the public square have decided that moral considerations are irrelevant, so long as they get what they want.
What Hunter Biden did is now weighing heavily on Joe’s presidential prospects, as it should. But with Trump opening the flood gates on corruption there’s simply no comparison between him and any of the Dem candidates, they are all, by comparison, “as clean as a hound’s tooth”.