In effect, no, and effect is all that interests me. Once again we will have a binary choice, with stark potential consequences for the nation, for the globe. If you like Bernie and you go all in to support him, then great, that’s democracy, that’s what will keep our nation healthy. But if Bernie doesn’t win and you decide to sit it out, then you are just helping a demented sociopath at a critical juncture in global history.
People hated Hillary, in part due to Russian dis-information. Not electing her has had brutal consequences. Our courts are being re-made into corporatist toadies, enemies of the environment, enemies of working people, enemies of equality, enemies of voting rights. We have lost at least 4 years of federal action on climate change, have actually moved backward. Here in Utah we have undergone three years of war waged on irreplaceable public lands and cultural history.
Any of the Democratic candidates, with the possible exception of Gabbard, will undo much of the policy damage, will advance the progressive cause. The damage to the courts will take a generation or more to heal, assuming progressives can stop eating their own.