In no way do these statements even imply that Ukraine is spotless. Ukraine is the victim of Russia's attacks. This fact is simply indisputable. Millions of Ukrainians are refugees, some in country, others internationally, forced from their homes solely by Russian attacks. Tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians are dead from Russian attacks, hundreds of thousands of others have been maimed and wounded, solely from Russian weapons aimed and fired at them by Russian forces. Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian homes and businesses are razed to the ground by Russian arms, aimed or too often just indiscriminately launched by Russian forces, inside and outside of Ukraine.
In contrast, NO Ukrainian troops occupy a single foot of Russia, Russian homes and businesses are targeted by NO Ukrainian missiles or bombs. Actually, the military fury loosed by putin is so poorly controlled that Russian planes have attacked Russian cities.
Should Russian forces leave Ukraine and stop firing attacks into Ukraine then the war there will indeed end. Russian forces unilaterally brought the fighting and if they leave the fighting will end.
Ukraine's territorial integrity should be restored, only by doing so can the nations of Europe have any assurance that THEIR borders will also be secure from Russian attacks.
By the way, there was NO war before Russia invaded. Their invasions of Crimea and Eastern Ukraine started the war in 2014.