It is as important to condemn the ongoing violent protests in Portland as it is to condemn the violence on the right. Last night supposed anti-racist protesters in Portland lit fires and damaged buildings in the Portland mayor's building of residence...this is MORE reprehensible than the idiots in their trucks stalking Portland streets shooting paint ball guns and pepper spray at street protesters. We on the left are SUPPOSED to be defending democratic values, one of the most important of which is "the right to peacefully assemble for the redress of grievances".
If we allow the political contest to descend into a competition of violence then we have lost that contest. This is part of the normal to which Biden would like us to return; the norms of respect for those with whom we disagree. When we allow this crucial democratic value to corrode we lose. When violence becomes normal then the worst people are empowered, not to mention the worst ideas and the worst practices.