It's so easy to make somebody look bad when you make up words and positions for them. As to this silliness, the mafia doesn't warn you of the legitimate dangers of your chosen actions, they don't care what happens to you. The mafia threatens to break your legs or burn down your business if you don't pay up.
trump is a sociopath and a malignant narcissist, incapable of caring what happens to other people or considering anybody's welfare but his own. Having such a flawed person in the Oval Office has already cost hundreds of thousands of Americans their lives, ironically many of whom were his ardent supporters.
Having this kind of person in this position of ultimate power is personally dangerous for you, for your community, for your nation, and for the world.
What are you supposed to do? Act like an adult. Do anything in your power to return a sane person who does actually care about the welfare of others to office. Do anything in your power to block a clear and present danger from that office. And for god's sake try to drop the fragility. The quality of the arguments you hear or receive could NOT be less relevant to the choice you face, which could NOT be more clear...Hannibal Lector's pal making decisions that affect much of humanity, not to mention the natural world, or a sane person who probably shares many of your cherished values.