Let’s hear it for old hippies;) Keep up the good work. Interesting article on the Bt bio-engineering. I would note, however, the article stated that the majority of Bt corn was being used for animal feed, not helpful in the switch you call for from animal to plant foods for humans. Likewise, cotton is a fertilizer and water hungry crop, cultivation of which is at least partly if not largely responsible for events like the “de-watering” the Aral Sea , increased salinity of the soils involved, prejudicial economics against small farmers who can’t fund the large chemical inputs needed to continuously grow these crops. Bt crops seem to have some direct negative effect on the ability of soils to sequester C02, and of course, industrial agriculture, with its focus on short term profits and chemical “fixes” for the nutrient needs of corn, cotton, and other commodity crops, is currently creating “dead zones” in the surrounding wetlands, seas and oceans as fertilizers inevitably wash in and cause toxic algal blooms. The fertilizers and pesticides (Bt deals with only one spectrum of “pests”) are petroleum products, agriculture based on this model creates large volumes of greenhouse gasses other than C02, some of which are 300 times as potent. No free lunches.