More bullshit from someone who seems to know so little about U.S. politics. Biden has moved the progressive cause much farther than Bernie could have, and if a political bloodbath is in the offing the left wing of the Democratic party will carry much of the responsibility. The GOP gained seats in the '20 election capitalizing on extreme rhetoric from the left that padded trump's 74 million votes and drove voters in the middle away from Democratic candidates, seats that would have rendered Manchenima moot.
Of course the progressive caucus has made it worse by fighting ideological intraparty battles in public and drawing lines in the sand that they should have known they would have to retreat from. If you doubt this consider how Rep. Jayapal sounded today, all smiles, assuring reporters that there would be a deal (much less than the bottom line that she raked the party over for months), and obviously worried that the infighting she has splashed across the media will indeed come back to bite the progressive caucus.
"The left" can choose to become a toothless minority, just as the Tea Party did, capable only of sinking their side of the aisle and guaranteeing NO progress on their shared goals....will they?