Political beliefs are mostly bunk…simplistic comfort food that fill the belly and starve the intellect. There are however grand sweeps of political/psychological mass consciousness that actually matter. Today the progressive sweep wants to deal with dire environmental problems that have been gathering for decades, wants to deal with human rights questions that have plagued us for centuries, wants to redistribute wealth back into the hands of the working and middle classes. Those who lean by nature conservative want to resist change, any and all change.
The stereotypes are mostly pushed by con men on the make, sharpies who know how to monetize fear. Blaming the two party system for the split is like blaming the snow for winter, it’s exactly backwards. Our Jefferson/Hamilton split led to the first parties, our firs civil war, which we haven’t yet stopped fighting, and now lies at the heart of our “red/blue” divide. Pretending that there is some way to just quit this dispute is just that, pretense.