Sadly, this is true. Trump has never climbed a ladder, physically or metaphorically. He is the ugly stereotype of a “trust fund baby”, handed everything of value that he owns as a consequence of the father he chose. His daddy gave him around $450,000,000, and his biggest achievement has been to not lose it all. I might add for context that my mom over the same years turned a $20,000 investment into over a million dollars in the stock market, with no prior experience at investing. Had the Donald just handed her his money he would now be worth a legitimate $20 billion or so rather than the questionable $3 billion he claims.
The funny thing about his “business” empire is that it grew out a bankruptcy settlement. The defaulted banks decided that the Trump name still had promotional value and left it on the failed casinos they were repossessing, which gave him the idea to use that move as a business model…selling and renting his name to actual developers.
It took the “perfect storm” of ill timed and policy breaking FBI press events, Russian targeted trolling and timed release of stolen campaign material, Bernie Sanders trashing of Clinton after he was mathematically eliminated from the primary, and of course voter apathy and stupidity to elect him. The real strength of our political system has much to do with the regular and peaceful transfer of political power and little to do with science and philosophy.