Somehow highlighted everything, only meant to highlight the last sentence. It's always tempting to indulge in conspiracy thinking, which simplifies complex reality into seemingly digestible bites, It's also almost always untrue to fact.
Afghans are starving because the minority and religious extremist Taliban chose to shoot, bomb, assassinate, and terrorize their way into control of the country. Killing people is not always the wrong thing to do. It's easy for us, sitting in our secure, rule of law countries, to condemn military campaigns against people who terrorize civilian populations, conduct mass kidnappings of children in order to replenish their forces with child soldiers and child brides, bomb or burn schools, force women to stay inside homes, wear chadors, and starve if they don't have a male relative to support them.
We wouldn't choose to live in these countries, to expose ourselves to the terrorist forces, to defend the people on whom they prey, and with our clean hands it's easy to pass judgement.