Suffering and death are not always bad. Both my parents lived beyond the age when they were happy being alive, death was a relief for both of them and for me as well. Suffering is not only an unavoidable part of life but can be hugely enlightening as well.
That putin's invasion is criminal is an objective fact needing no belief or disbelief on my part to be true. Justice is a term with no solid referent, we all see justice somewhat differently, what feels just to one person often feels unjust to another. in my opinion there can never be justice for putin, there is no way to make him suffer commensurate to the suffering he has caused, and doing so would be harmful to any person charged with administering that justice.
You're right, it's very difficult not to fall into belief, which to me is not that far from falling into "original sin". This is one reason I prefer scientific inquiry you assume that any and all findings, hypotheses, and theories you come to are possibly wrong or flawed, no matter how nicely they explain the phenomenon you are trying to understand. No one needs to believe in science to practice it, and scientific "truths" are legitimate no matter what you believe;)