That was an isolated incident that closely tracks the caveat that I listed. When the vast majority of effected people are vaccinated the inevitable breakthrough infections MUST outnumber those in the unvaccinated population. Remember that the various vaccine's efficacy against the Delta variant that now range between 80% and 45% are still superior to many vaccines for other diseases, FAR superior to the risk of being unvaccinated, that the Delta variant is far more infectious than such highly transmissible viruses like chicken pox, and that according to the CDC analysis that the 70% of breakthrough cases that were symptomatic were mostly mild and than none of the 7 hospitalized patients died. The protection for the vaccinated people was far superior to that of the unvaccinated, who make up over 90% of current infections, hospitalizations, intubations, and deaths though they make up less than 50% of the general population.