The author missed a couple of key points...first; no toxic gasses released into your home, and there is significant evidence that the air pollution from gas stoves have negative health effects. Second, speed; I used to wait by my gas stove for 3-5 minutes for the two cups of water for my morning oatmeal to come to a boil. My induction stove does it in 30 seconds. Third, the instant ability to dial up or dial down heat, click by click or all the way if necessary. Fourth, the added counter space to keep extra pans if your kitchen space is limited. And fifth, the huge increase in ease of cleaning...I cook a lot and all those nooks and crannies in my gas stove, not to mention the grills, what a pain! I hated cooking on a standard electric stove, didn't mind my gas stove even though it took significant time to heat up the contents of pots and pans, Love my induction stove!