The author seems to think that the Feb 5 vote to submit the Covid relief bill on reconciliation would send out checks, how nice it would be if that were true. That vote only started the reconciliation process, a process that takes weeks to bring a bill to the president's desk. Progress on that process? The 591 page bill has bee written, passed through House committees, passed the House Budget Committee yesterday, headed to the House Rules committee next and probable passage through the House this week.
Next it heads to the Senate, where Democratic proposals to raise the minimum wage and send aid to states and municipalities will be blocked by Republicans, the Senate Parlimentarian will have to rule,
Senators Manchin and Sinema will either have to be brought in line or appeased, possible that the bill passes the Senate the week of March 1, possible it could take longer depending on getting those votes. If you're actually interested in the process here's a link to a basic article.