The "internationally recognized government in Beijing" is a fairly obscene joke. Modern Taiwan may have started under Chaing's corrupt rule but, as you point out, it has evolved into a functioning democracy and its people want no part of the thoroughly corrupt dictatorship in Beijing. There would be no need for, and no market for arms to Taiwan were Beijing not intent on taking the independent island back by force. Taiwan poses the same threat to Beijing as Ukraine poses to Moscow, both Beijing and Moscow live under the bloody hands of dictators and those dictators can't brook such close examples of culturally related peoples who are exercising self rule, who recognize freedom of speech and basic human rights, and who want closer relations with the "west".
Possibly you are an apologist for Chinese policies in Hong Kong and Xinjaing, though I find that hard to believe. If you think however that it makes no sense to defend the rights of the Taiwanese people to choose their own government and to reject control from an OUTSIDE dictatorship then maybe my doubts are unfounded.