The ONLY Democratic screwup on abortion was in 2000, when Dems and progressives followed Nadar's siren song in Florida and handed the White House to W, and again in '16 when once again they let their emotions get ahead of their brains and let Rancid Orange into the Oval. Really not sure what you're talking about with the "one issue at a time" comment. Dems have complex and detailed policy goals which for the most part go WAY over the heads of the voters and the GOP exclusively focuses on the lizard brain, no rational and coherent policy need apply.
My problem with the original article is that Elizabeth constantly dumps on the concept of "Blue, no matter who", constantly blasts Biden for not being Left enough, for not going nuclear on Sinema and Manchin, and basically writes outrage porn when she is obviously smart enough to go deeper.
The bottom line issue on this and the last several elections isn't that complicated; Democrats in power will advance ALL those issues you mention, not fast enough for some, particularly those who don't understand the political process, and Repubs will work to defeat progress on all of those issues and strive to undo progress from the past. The choice is stark and clear, get some of what you want or get nothing and have some of what you have taken away;)