“The only way”? Sounds like panicked talk to me. What I hear from you is the “No Can Do” panic talk of the vested interests, who of course have no desire to see their economic ox gored. We used to be a “Can Do” country, we could be again. My electricity costs me the investment I made in my array, paid for already for the next 30 years. Energy storage in a can do country will not necessarily require huge infrastructure developments like massive dams, huge wind farms, and of course we are already doing massive harm to wild populations and habitats with our current energy model. It will require smart, creative innovations, the kind that used to characterize the U.S.A. I agree, panic is foolish, which is why I don’t buy the doom and gloom prognostications of the fossil fuel industry. We can do better, much better, and heal some of the ongoing damage our current model is doing in the process;)