John Griswold
Oct 20, 2020


The title of your piece is an extraordinarily bad idea, this line is exhibit A on WHY it's a bad idea. First, I have owned and used firearms for over 50 years, I'm not a "gun hater", I have thousands of hours in the field with a loaded gun in my hands. My firearm training started at age 9, in an NRA gun safety class, followed by hunter safety, employment in my first job at a shotgun range, and of course those decades of "open carry".

Firearms are inherently dangerous to own, possess, and use. Their presence in your home significantly raises the probability that a member of your family will be harmed or killed by a firearm. Effective use of a firearm for self defense takes hundreds of hours of practice, and of course even experts, firearms safety trainers, police, long time hunters and shooters STILL mange to shoot, maim, and kill themselves, their loved ones, and innocent bystanders.

Think carefully how ready you are to kill someone. If you have any hesitation about doing so (I know I do) you will reconsider. My firearms are dismantled, locked up, and kept far from the relevant ammunition.



John Griswold

Master carpenter, watercolor artist and beat up old jock…owned by Black Lab Bo who considers two tennis balls a minimum mouthful