There's so much you don't understand about how government works. Probably not your fault, I hear the schools don't teach civics or government anymore. McConnell was the Senate Majority Leader. The Leader sets the agenda for ALL Senate activities, which bills come to a vote, which nominations reach floor debate, and a competent leader like McConnell has his caucus in hand; if he tells them to vote no, they vote no. You are sort of correct, Obama had his recess nominations blocked by the SCOTUS, no reprimand required, none offered. They have that power. Fact, when McConnell pushed through the Comey-Barrett nomination he was AGAIN the Senate Majority leader, possessing the power to call votes and obviously having his caucus in hand to win them.
Seems you don't remember, or never knew, that when Dem. Senator Reid was Senate leader he brought the "nuclear option" to eliminate the filibuster on judicial nominations to a vote in 2013, a vote the Dems won. When the Repubs retook the Senate McConnell did the same for SCOTUS nominations, eliminating the ability for either party to filibuster them. No naps involved, just law and Senate procedure, which is the equivalent of law.
When Repubs controlled both chambers of Congress they passed the "trump" tax cuts on budgetary reconciliation, a process that requires only a simple majority in the Senate, now that Dems hold both chambers they were able to pass both the American Rescue Plan and the Inflation Reduction Act (just a name, it reduces medical expenses and is the largest investment in climate action in global history). Should the Repubs take either chamber back there will be no further progressive bills passed as either the GOP Speaker or Majority Leader will be able to spike them.
Your post was NOT a serious opinion, to have a serious opinion you need to understand the topic in question, which you obviously don't. When you form opinions from a basis of ignorance you are strongly tempted to start posing simplistic conspiracy theories such as, ". I conjectured that maybe it was on porpoise" (sic) marine mammals were harmed in the writing of this opinion;)