These are boiler plate left talking points that are both misleading in their slant and not particularly relevant to the problems we face now. For example, to condemn the drone bombing campaign as "dropping bombs on poor nations" with no context on the targets of the bombing, the terror campaigns those people were conducting on the residents of those countries is disingenuous at best. No mention of the genocide being conducted by ISIL, no mention of the murder and kidnapping campaigns of Boko Haram, n o mention of the misogynist campaigns of Islamists in the tribal areas of Pakistan and Afghanistan...makes it hard to take you seriously.
The single sexual assault charge (not rape) is sketchy at best, the widely supported reaction to the violence spike of the early 90's, seen to be directly tied to the crack cocaine and gang conflicts were supported by the majority of the House Congressional Black Caucus, and only 2 Democratic Senators voted against it. Little things like facts actually matter, particularly when you are attempting to read someone else's mind (can't be done) and then cancel them.