This is a fact? Only in Bizarro World where black is white, hot is cold, and evil is good. What an ignorant or perhaps morally compromised piece. Ukraine posed ZERO threat to Russia, Ukraine as a member of NATO posed ZERO threat to Russia, NATO itself poses ZERO threat to Russia, and even a brief look at history confirms these truths. Hitler madly invaded Russia with a huge and highly effective military, it ended his "1000 year" Reich. The NATO countries never assembled armed forces capable of invading the vastness of Russia, instead they did peaceful business with it in hopes of creating lasting peaceful economic and political bonds. Russia, on the other hand, has an extensive record of invading its small, peaceful neighbors. BTW, given that the Russian invasion itself is a war crime (aggression, attack of a peaceful neighbor) every shell fired, every rocket launched is a war crime as well. As you should know, targeting civilian areas is a war crime, and so flattening cities is a mega-war crime. You should be ashamed of yourself.