This just isn't true. Have had my plug in Hybrid (Chev Volt) for over 10 months, have driven 5000 miles in that time, and have bought 8 gallons of gas. Love the car, love the fact that I have NO range anxiety and can take a U.S. road trip (600 miles or 965 kilometers) getting better than 40 mpg. I only take that kind of trip maybe once a year, the rest of my driving is fueled from my roof top panels. Those 5000 miles of daily driving would have used 250 gallons of gas, not 5 (my tank is still 1/3 full). If all Americans could do this they could save 98% of gas purchases, and of course over the next 10-15 years EVs will probably be able to handle that 600 mile trip and the charging infrastructure will probably be built out to the point that charging will be as easy as gassing up;)