This seems to be a disordered thought. With 4% of the world's population and as one of the richest ever, we have at least 20% of the deaths. There's no way to spin these numbers as good performance. Good performance would have required him to pay attention to the pandemic plans left to him by W. Bush and Obama, not to mention the plans worked out in his own administration, as a starter.
These plans called for vigorous federal responses, from early engagement of the War Powers Act to ramp up supplies of critical PPE and testing capacity to clearly informing the public about the nature of the challenge coming rather than gas lighting them over and over that "it was under control", "would soon go to zero", "would disappear by Easter", "would magically disappear in the summer", "was like a little cold", was "less serious than the flu", and on and on and on, too many lies to catalog. Had we responded the way that S. Korea did, a response that was clearly within our capabilities, we would have maybe 2,000 deaths rather than 225,500 and counting.
The Donald was a crook long before he cast his greedy gaze on Washington, ripping off contractors, creditors, tuition payers at his phony "university", investors in his public casino stock offerings the worth of which he ran to zero while paying himself millions a year for his executive "services". Oh yeah, we shouldn't forget stealing from charity, for which he paid a multi million dollar penalty and was enjoined from participating in the management of any future charitable foundations. He IS the swamp, why would he try to drain his habitat?