Typical of the ignorant content of this piece. 15 states where as many as 40% of total U.S. teachers work did not enter public employees into Social Security, and they are not eligible for benefits in a program into which they did not pay taxes. The decision on whether to join SS is a state decision, not a federal one, for some particulars, https://www.teacherpensions.org/blog/why-aren%e2%80%99t-all-teachers-covered-social-security
Those who pay into the system are eligible for benefits. There ARE inequities for teachers in states who do not participate in SS. Many have to work a full 30 years in the system to qualify for state retirement plans, and working for fewer years can leave them with far lesser SS benefits (many working years not counted for either SS or state retirement) and NO state retirement benefits. If you vote then SS will almost certainly be there for you, if young people vote for Democrats they can see those payroll taxes extended to ALL income levels. If on the other hand they buy into your garbage about Washington and the Democratic Party they will help Republicans rule and the long term Republican dream is to privatize, slash, or eliminate SS and Medicare.