Very generous to give him a second date, given that he showed no interest in you, in getting to know you. The second date was the deal breaker, who could possibly want to spend time with this dope? You misinterpreted the “rule”. The point was not to date every person 10 times, the idea was to get to know someone before sleeping with them, always a good idea. Dates don’t have to cost much, dates are experiments in spending time together. Walking the dogs in the dog park can be a date. You’re in college, a cornucopia of lectures, old classic movies, clubs, intramural sports; if a guy is attracted to you, is a little strapped for cash, and can’t think of a low cost way to spend time together then that tells you something very important about him. A real “boyfriend” isn’t there to buy your affections, he’s there to build a friendship, a relationship.